Asking a psychologist this question is like asking a fitness trainer if you the work out will change your body.
Due to great demand for my services I regularly have to turn down potential clients, so I can answer honestly: It all depends on the situation!
Most men can benefit from working with a psychologist, but some can’t.
Here’s something to think about:
- Do you believe you can grow and develop?
If you believe you can learn and develop your skills, you’re likely to get positive results if you start working with a psychologist. However, some men believe that "no one will help them". In that case, "it's up to the drowning man to save the drowning man".
- Are you satisfied with your current situation?
If you are tired of loneliness and even attempts to start a relationship; if you do not understand what is the reason for failure — most likely a psychologist will be able to help you. If you are sure that it’s everyone elses fault — then the psychologist will be the "enemy" for you.
- Are you willing to invest?
If you can comfortably invest time, energy and money into becoming the best version of yourself and getting results with women, my programs will be very helpful.