I am Olga Vastikova and  I help men
to become more confident of themselves,
break out of friendzone and find happiness
in relationship
I am Olga Vastikova and  I help men
to become more confident of themselves,
break out of friendzone and find happiness
in relationship
Here’s what clients say about working with me
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Please use the translator on the next page, thank you for the patience.
What they don’t teach you in school…

Most men do not understand how girls think. There are several "mysteries": by what principle girls choose partners, why some guys they adore, and others they won’t even look at (although a guy can be objectively interesting and successful).

I have had many clients who took courses and trainings from men, but in the end did not get the result and came to me.


Men who create such programs see the situation only from one side. My clients get results because I can show the situation from both sides: give feedback as a girl and help to understand the problem as a psychologist.

And this is proved by more than 2000 of my happy male clients.
So I know exactly what a man needs to do to build a long-term relationship full of love and harmony.

So I know exactly what a man needs to do to build a long-term relationship full of love and harmony.

What other clients say about me
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Please use the translator on the next page, thank you for the patience.
You probably have questions in your head from time to time: "Why can’t I build a happy relationship with a woman? What’s wrong with me???"

And the reason is this: the problem is not you! The problem is the way you present yourself.

You probably have a syndrome of a "good guy", because of which you often get into the friendzone. Or after communicating with you for a while, your date loses interest and disappears from the radar.

I understand how you feel. And I also know for sure that everything is right with you and you are worthy of your dream relationship ❤️
And I can help you find one!
Let’s change your focus together!

Let me tell you something important.

Knowing how to talk to women is a skill that you can 100% learn.

It’s like learning to ride a bike: it looks easy from the outside, but you’ll kill a lot of time, effort and knees on your own. That’s why you need someone to give you tips and encouragement. And beyond that, you’ll never forget this skill again.

Stop thinking there’s something wrong with you! You weren’t born with all the skills!

There’s nothing wrong with you.
What’s not okay is that you haven’t started learning this skill yet.
What other clients say about me
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How does it work?

As a relationship-focused psychologist, I help guys build self-esteem, learn how to flirt, meet and build relationships with women they like. So what will you learn from me?

  1. How to find the right match based on your lifestyle, needs and criteria.
  2. How to flirt and create an emotional connection. You’ll be able to enjoy your dates with hotties
  3. How to feel attractive and confident. And not be anxious around women.
Where to start?

Click the button below and fill out the quick signup form.

I will personally contact you as soon as possible to discuss your situation and offer the best solution.
What other clients say about me
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I’m Olga Vastikova, glad to meet you!

As a relationship-focused psychologist, I have already helped over 2000 men to improve their self-esteem, start dating and building relationships with women they like.

My clients:
  1. Work in IT, finance, analytics, large corporations and want their personal lives to be as successful as their careers
  2. Enjoy their relationships and state of mind. And no longer want to return to their past lifes where they were unhappy and lonely.
My clients are different: short, tall, bald, hairy, young, old, pretty and ordinary, shy and bright, from different parts of the world. The list goes on.
None of this matters if you are:
  1. New to relationships or
  2. A wounded fighter who recently broke up with a woman and want to build a new relationship without looking back on past painful experiences.
If you have the desire and motivation to learn a new skill, then I can 100% help you get what you want!
What other clients say about me
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Please use the translator on the next page, thank you for the patience.
Subscribe to me on social media
Already more than 1,000,000 men get my free tips on how to talk to women and present themselves competently.
YouTube, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok
Subscribe to me on social media
Already more than 1,000,000 men get my free tips on how to talk to women and present themselves competently.
YouTube, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok
What other clients say about me
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Do you still have questions?
Tell me about yourself and I’ll personally contact you as soon as possible to discuss your situation and offer the best solution.
Don’t worry, it takes 60 seconds, it’s 100% confidential.
For example: insecurity when dating; getting too many rejections; failure on the first date; nothing to talk about with a woman; everything goes fine and then the woman disappears; falling into a friendzone.
How much would you feel comfortable investing in yourself to feel more confident and own a happy relationship?
Last question! How did you find out about me?
Tell me about yourself and I’ll personally contact you as soon as possible to discuss your situation and offer the best solution.
Don’t worry, it takes 60 seconds, it’s 100% confidential.
For example: insecurity when dating; getting too many rejections; failure on the first date; nothing to talk about with a woman; everything goes fine and then the woman disappears; falling into a friendzone.
How much would you feel comfortable investing in yourself to feel more confident and own a happy relationship?
Last question! How did you find out about me?
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